Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Authors I've Discovered this Year

Top Ten Author's I've discovered this year

I have a confession to make. I’m not really one of those people who only reads books from authors they know. In fact before I started blogging I barely payed attention to that funny looking name next to the title. 

So I’ll just make a quick rule for this one. I have to have read or plan to read multiples of the author’s books.  

Jasper Fforde

            Sure I wasn’t too impressed by the ending of the Last Dragonslayer but that doesn’t mean that I won’t give any of his other books a shot. His way of writing was really quite witty and entertaining. Not to mention his way of combining the modern day and fairytales together.

Amy Tintera

            So I’ve only read one of her books so far, Reboot. But in my defense it’s because my library doesn’t have any of her other books! 

Blatant unfairness aside I enjoyed her writing style and characters and I’d love to read more of her stuff.

Brenna Yovanoff


I toyed with putting Yovanoff on here because I read two of her books and decided that, at least for me, they were pretty much nah. But just because I didn’t like it doesn’t mean anybody else wouldn’t like it. Anyway The Replacement and Paper Valentine were . . . Well I would call them contemporaries with a creepy vibe and the occasional murder.

Clare B. Dunkle

            Look Y’all if Charm is in the second one, I’m reading the second one. I need several tiny, sassy animals that spit out useless facts at purely inappropriate times.

Jodi Meadows

            Between Orphan Queen and Mirror King I really couldn’t pick my favorite one. They were both really well written, despite some shaky pacing, and even the climax was great. It wasn’t ‘open’ exactly because it wrapped up the most important bits but was still semi ominous with the ending that felt real without being a complete downer. And that freakin’ cliffhanger! 

That was just plain mean. 

Adam Gidwitz

            Similar to Jasper Fforde, Gidwitz ‘s writing style was what primarily drew me to his books. I really do love books that are written like fairy tales and The Inquisitor’s tale was definitely one of those.

Laini Taylor

            I mentioned when I reviewed Daughter of Smoke and Bone (Maybe don’t look at it) that I DNF’d it the first time. Why? I was a sheltered homeschooler who was vaguely uncomfortable reading a detailed account of a college art major’s life drawing class. 

Still, with a bit of red-face skimming, I picked it back up and adored it.

Maggie Steifvater

I have to admit, the Raven Boys didn’t seem like my kind of book. I was wrong. The Raven Boys was beautiful and I regret staying away from it for so long.

except for my destroyed mind. 

Victoria Shwab

Wow somebody I’ve actually read more than one book of. Between This Savage Song and Archived I would probably go with the former being my favorite. It was just so pretty. Even for somebody who is as completely useless at music as myself.

Brandon Sanderson

I will sum this one up in one sentence. Mistborn was amazing, I want more! 
also it's coming this thursday! 

Thanks again to the girls at the Broke and the Bookish for opening up Top Ten Tuesday to us other newbie bloggers. You can see them here 
