Top Ten Tuesdays: Top Ten Books I'm Looking Forward To in 2017

Top Ten Books I'm Looking Forward To For The First Half Of 2017

I will admit it. I don’t really follow the release of books. Mostly for the sake of my sanity because most libraries don’t get ‘new’ books until it’s proven that they’re wanted. So maybe a couple of weeks, maybe a couple of months. Who knows? 

Unless it’s a book that I am 110% positive that I will want to own I don’t follow the release date. But thanks to Goodreads I have discovered a lists of books . . . I blame Y’all when I go crazy looking for these books at the library.

The Last of August by Brittany Cavallaro

               Because it’s a Sherlock Holmes retelling! How cool is that! 

But I haven’t actually read the first one. 
It’s certainly not for lack of trying! The amount of time I’ve spent trying to track down this book at two separate libraries is frankly kind of ridiculous. But since I’ve concluded that it will not be showing up in a free medium I’ll just have to get it myself I suppose.

Avenged by Amy Tintera

Yeah well I haven’t read the first one of these either. 

But that doesn’t mean I can’t be excited about the second one! Ruined, the first one, was highly recommended by Goodreads and several other bloggers so of course I had to investigate. Of course, as I mentioned in my review of Tintera’s Reboot, I’ve never actually found Ruined.

Hunted by Meagan Spooner

               It’s a Beauty and the Beast retelling! How cool is that! Beauty and the Beast was one of my favorite Disney movies as a kid. Except of course in this retelling Beauty apparently decides to hunt the Beast instead of fall in love with him 

 This is going to be either really well or really bad.

Flames in the Mist by Renee Ahdieh

               I didn’t know Ahdieh was writing another book! I adored the Wrath and Dawn and I can’t wait to see what this one is. Apparently it’s set in China which is a pretty far cry from her previous Middle East. Basically I am excited . . . and scared. Because there’s probably going to be a major cliffhanger.

Spindle Fire by Lexa Hillyer

I adore retellings! However most Sleeping Beauty retellings are kind of weird. Guess it comes with your man protagonist being asleep for a hundred years. 
Also the creep factor of a stranger kissing her after said hundred years. 

This one is apparently attempting to fix that problem with two main characters. Aurora and her sister.

Caraval by Stephanie Garber

               This book is a mysterious little tyke which makes me all the more interested. Apparently there’s some sort of creepy carnival/death-game which is extremely intriguing.

The Bone Witch by Rin Chupeco

I love the idea of traditionally ‘evil’ powers such as necromancy being on the side of the angels. 
And it’s going to be a new fantasy series! So I can probably count on several more books to come which is very exciting. 

Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor

               Laini Taylor wrote Daughter of Smoke and Bone which I enjoyed immensely. Granted the book, with it’s strange blurb and cover make it seems . . . kind of kooky.

 But I’m still willing to give it a try.

The Wish Granter by C. J. Redwine

               Because I was greatly entertained by the first one Shadow Queen. I mean Dragon people!

 So of course it was awesome.

Our Dark Duet by Victoria Schwab

               Am I allowed to be both excited and terrified by the sequel? Because I am. The first one was beautiful and fabulous! I don’t want the next one to be disappointing. Also death. I can already tell that somebody is going to die. 

Thanks again to the ladies at The Broke and Booksih for letting newbs like me join in on their Top Ten Tuesdays 
