Pseudo Top Ten Tuesday

I’m going on a trip! 


Although, y'all aren't interested in how excited I am, you want to know what this means for you. In essence, this means two things; one, I won’t be blogging. So, from now 'til June 14, I will be on hiatus. Two, I get to buy books! If you’ve followed me on twitter, you know I don’t like bringing library books on trips. What if I lose them!? What if they get damaged from being shoved into my suitcase!? What if the library doesn’t ever let me come back!? 

So, I've gotten in the habit of going on a book buying spree before I leave for any trip. Unfortunately, the used bookstores in my city are the Worst; so the books I’ve got aren’t the newest. But hey! I’m sure I’ll go to Half-Price Books while I’m back in the Midwest. All hope of me reading relevant books are not lost; but, I figured as a little goodbye before my week long hiatus, I’d like to show you the books I’m going to bring along. 

Note From the Editor: Ciao Belli! I am also going on this awesome trip! I'm not going to be leaving many witty comments on this post, since I'm busy prepping and such. And, I am most certainly not watching a YouTube video in Italian.

First up is The Way of Kings 1 and 2 by Brandon Sanderson

Man! Sanderson just doesn’t know how to be brief. These books are thicker than my fist! The first one is 1,252 pages! I don’t even want to look at how many pages are in the second one. It’s even thicker. I prefer bringing a few really thick books on trips as opposed to a bunch of smaller books. Less objects to keep track of, you know. Anyway. The blurb, as usual, throws a lot of odd words around to cement it’s high fantasy status. The gist of it? There’s magical ancient armor that makes people invincible, it also used to belong to legendary knights...which I’m sure won’t be important at all.  A couple of wars are mentioned, because people fight over the stuff. Finally there’s three main characters: a slave, a knight, and a scholar, who are probably going to be connected to legendary knights somehow. Or maybe I’m completely wrong! It is Sanderson after all. He’s good at tricking me.

The Map of Time by Felix J Palma

So, what do you guys think of a time traveling H. G. Wells? Sounds interesting, doesn’t it? Well, I hope it does, because that’s about all the blurb says. There’s something in there about H. G. Wells being a time investigator and having to discover what happened to certain classics and possibly their authors... Full disclosure, I’m not sure. Basically, this book is going to be either great or a complete disaster. And, in all honesty, if it’s a complete disaster then I’m not going to finish it. This thing is like six hundred pages! If it’s bad I'm not wasting my time.

The Dark Days Club by Alison Goodman

I’ve actually read Alison Goodman’s Eon, and I thought it was interesting, but not really my thing. Shoot me! It was, at the time, one of the most inappropriate books I’d ever read. Now that my innocence is lost [cross out] a little less sensitive, I thought I should give it a second try. The Dark Days Club seems to combine a lot of things I adore. Victorian ladies, mysterious goings on and probably some ghosts/demons are all wonderful. And yes, before you ask, I’m really disappointed that I got this weird realistic person cover instead of the artsy one. I have to admit though, I don’t like the description of the love interest. I’m feeling a serious case of ‘bad boy’ trope coming on. Can someone explain the appeal of these guys to me!? I don’t understand.

So, there Y’all go. A complete list of the massive books I’ve gotten, numbering 3,641 pages in total. What have I gotten myself into? Anyway, I’ll be back in a week or so and hopefully with a trip to Half-Price Books under my belt. If I’m successful I’ll have to do a book haul post just for the heck of it.

See you lot on June 14th!
