A Book Haul Post (because Top Ten Tuesday has abandoned me)

This post in honor of the fact that I'm completely oblivious and didn't know that Broke and bookish took a break during august. 


I’m doing a book haul post because Top Ten Tuesday has abandoned me. If I’d known they took a break I would have prepared something more unique. But this is the price I pay for being distracted.

 Oh well. It’s not a big deal in the end. After all, who doesn’t like getting hyped for books. Even if they sometimes let you down.

The Rithmatist by Brandon Sanderson

              The one book that I’m 90% sure won’t disappoint. Sanderson has quite the record of flooring me. The Rithmatist is a little different. As far as I can tell it’s more teen oriented, kind of like The Reckoners series. But I’m mostly interested in the magic system. As per usual the blurb doesn’t give away much but there’s hints of an art/drawing driven magic which I am so here for. True, it has been done before. But I’ve never really enjoyed the ‘creativity is magic’ stuff. Mostly because it likes to take unnecessary digs at math and science. As if numbers and code doesn’t require creativity. Still if anybody can get that kind of magic right it’s Sanderson.

Furthermore by Tahereh Mafi

              Can we just take a second to appreciate that cover? Because it’s bloody gorgeous abd exactly the kind of style I like. I call it cartoon-y-but-not-friggen-anime-thank-goodness. Yeah, it really rolls off the tongue. I’m thinking of getting it trademarked.  Anyway, Furthermore is supposed to be exactly the kind of verbose, fairytale-ish craziness that I adore. But . . . I’m a teeny tiny bit worried because I just read Strange the Dreamer which was brilliant! And I’m kind of concerned that, after Dreamer’s brilliance, Furthermore will kind of pale in comparison. Fingers crossed my concerns aren’t realized.

A Shadow Bright and Burning by Jessica Cluess

              I didn’t know that much about this one when I picked it up. But now I’m super excited! You want to know why? Because it’s about a gal who can light things on fire! And it’s set in a magical Victorian London threatened by demons! That sounds so friggen awesome. Also, I feel like I can kind of relate to Henrietta. First of all, she sounds like a fiery female [ha-ha, get it? ‘cause she can set things on fire] and she’s one of the only female sorceresses. So, she has to go to school surrounded by males. You know what that sounds like?  Being a computer science student and a lady. Yep, I think Henrietta and I are going to get along.

Heartless by Marissa Meyer

              Ah Meyer, one day I shall finish the Lunar Chronicles. One day.

Because I’ve got some awesome freaky Wonderland book. You know, with all the Alice in Wonderland retellings it’s kind of surprising we don’t have more books set in Wonderland (I misspelled that as Wonder Lad on my first try, excuse me while I laugh until I cry. Can you tell I’m editing this at 10:00 at night?) it’s a bit of an underused resource. After all, a world without rules is basically an author’s playground. And a reviewer’s nightmare. Here we go.

Hunted by Meagan Spooner

              It’s a Beauty and the Beast retelling you guys! I tried to get this book as an ARC a long, long time ago and I was kind of shocked when it turned up at the library. In all honesty, I’d almost forgotten about it. granted the idea of Beauty being a huntress. Especially since all my beauties have been bookish nerds. But I’m open to it. thought if somebody could tell me how to pronounce her friggen name that would be helpful. Yeva? Is it Yeeva or Yehva? Or some other pronunciation I don’t get. Can you tell I’m not a language person? Who let me write a blog Y’all.

Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch

This is probably the one I know the least about after A Shadow Bright and Burning. Don’t get me wrong, the cover is gorgeous and the blurb promises fantasy adventures mixed with spies which is always a win. But, other than that, I know nothing about this book. Not the author, not the reviews. Not even really the plot since the blurb is pretty vague. It’s kind of nice actually. Since I started this blog I’ve at least looked things up on goodreads. But this time around, I think I’ll leave it a mystery.

And there we go. 

we have survived our first week without Top Ten Tuesdays. I will have to brainstorm other lists to do. Because it's not a book blog without a list
