Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books Added to By To-Be-Read List Lately

Ten Books I've Added To My To-Be-Read List Lately

Alright story time. I have recently decided that I really like the idea of writing a story that reads like a fairy tale. Sort of like Dealing with Dragons or Narnia or the Chronicles of Prydain. Currently it involves a very long suffering prince, a six year old princess, and witch who is really, really bad at predicting the future. So the next question is how do I research? Pffft not that internet thing. I read other people’s stuff of course!

Cecilia and Kate by Patricia C. Wrede and Caroline Stevermore

               Since Dealing with Dragons was one of the inspirations for this crazy idea basically half of her stuff is on here. But regency era magic guys! I don’t know how many books these two have written together but I demand all of them. Did you guys know that these books started out as letters!

 Can you imagine anything cooler than two authors writing letters back and forth in character! I’m in love.

A College of Magic by Caroline Stevermore

               Hey if she and Wrede can make a book out of pack of letters she deserves to have he own books read. And how could I turn down a book with a magic school? Basically I have an unhealthy dependence on Hogwarts and since the Cursed Child tickets are sold out for like three years 

I have to soothe my soul with something.

A School for Sorcery by Rose E. Sabin

               The blurb for this one is really . . . vague. But it came up under several ‘like Dealing with Dragons’ lists to I’m taking a leap of faith. 

Wish me luck.

Mairalon by Patricia C. Wrede

               Well I did warn you that basically everything by Wrede would be on here. Still I love the idea of a tiny thief being caught by a magician. And I love even more the chaotic possibilities that is said tiny thief with magic powers. 

Can anybody say bad (glorious!) plan.

The Chronicles of Chrestomanci by Dianna Wynne Jones

               Welp it’s another one whose blurb seems extremely vague. Still it promises dragons and wizards and twins (maybe) with nine lives! 

This was another one that came recommended by people who liked Wrede or C. S. Lewis so I’m game to give it a shot even if it looks sort of middle grade.

The Claidi Collection by Tanith Lee

               I swear I’ve read this before. But I can’t for the life of me remember anything about it. Well that’s not true. I remember the writing which was fairy tale-esque but with a hint of dystopian which makes it both fantasy and dystopian at the same time. 

And they were written like journals! I also remember some sort of romance that I liked at the time but . . . who knows? I might have had terrible taste as a child.

A Hidden Magic by Vivian Vande Velde

               Now be honest with me. Has anybody seen this authors name and immediately though Veni, Vidi, Vici!

Just me? Okay. 
Anyway how could I not be interested by this book? It promises an improper princess! I’m a sucker for that trope.

The Dragon Chronicles by Susan Fletcher

               Okay the premise is a rather timid sounding heroine setting out on a quest to save her sister’s life. I’m feeling some Two Princesses of Bemare stuff going down and I am very pleased. Especially since it also promises three baby dragons. Yep there’s no way this can go wrong.

The Lazy Dragon and the Bumblespells Wizard by Kath Boyd Marsh

               Yay more dragons. Except as the title suggest this one is old and rather lazy and has absolutely no interest in getting involved in some quest or another. So of course he gets dragged into one anyway. Poor thing.

On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness by Andrew Peterson

               I am particularly excited about this one because it promised a quirky setting with unique (and probably a bit ridiculous) characters. Kind of on the same lines of The Last Dragonslayer (before the ending ruined it) or A Hero’s Guide to Saving His Kingdom.  

Now if I could just get a bit of luck for once and actually find them. 

Where are you hiding all the good books rotten library!!
