Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books That Got my Attention Because Their Covers Were Pretty

Top Ten books I want to read (or have read) simply because I liked the cover
              I don’t even know what most of these are about in all honesty, it’s kind of terrible. But in my defense, it’s because the blurb is a mean little sneak who tells me absolutely nothing . . . And sometimes it’s my fault.

Daughter of the Pirate King by Tricia Levenseller

              I know it’s about pirates! Specifically, the seventeen-year-old daughter of a pirate captain. Apparently, she intentionally allows herself to be captured by an enemy ship in order to get her hands on a special (possibly magical) map. Kind of reminds me of Black Widow actually. 

Can we also appreciate that the author describes the (probable) love interest as unfairly attractive. Usually I get annoyed when people feel the need to comment about the love interests relative good looks annoying but that was actually kind of funny.

Prisoner of Ice and Snow by Ruth Lauren

              I found this book while wandering around goodreads and I clicked ‘want to read’ without even reading the blurb. But now that I have I’m sold all over again! It’s described as part Prison Break (which I’m pretty sure is a TV show but all I can think of is Six of Crows) and part Frozen.

 Yeah it might end up to be completely ridiculous if I ever get my hands on it but I’m willing to try.

Frost by M. P. Kozlowsky

              Isn’t this a fairytale retelling? I don’t know the blurb is totally vague. There’s something about a girl names Frost (or maybe she’s a cyborg) who lives in some sort of post-apocalyptic world. 

Maybe I just thought it was a retelling because of the lunar chronicles.

Futhermore by Tahereh Mafi

              I don’t even want to read the blurb that cover is so beautiful. Try walking past that in the bookstore. 

Still people do promise that it reads lit a modern day fairytale and that would be enough for me to give it a shot.

The Sun Dragon by Annabelle Jay

              I actually did read this one and as you all know it didn’t end well for me. But it’s completely my fault if I have to be honest. My biggest complaint of the book was that it was poorly written and indulged in a plethora of tropes without changing any of them in any interesting way. If I’d, for example, read the blurb I probably wouldn’t have bothered with it. 

But that gorgeous cover with the adorable little dragon tricked me.

The Book Jumper by Mechthild Gläser

              Have you guys ever looked ‘book art’ up on the internet? 

Holy crap it’s fabulous. Anyway, back to the book. It’s about some girl who can jump into stories which is really cool and all but look! Book art.  

Air Awakens by Elise Kova

              Can you tell I have a type when it comes to book covers? Honestly as long as it’s not a real person looking up at me from the cover I’m good. Anyway Air Awakens has one of the more extensive blurbs on this list and it’s full of magic! And wars! And a sorcerer prince! 
(everybody knows they're the best kind of prince)

The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson

              Yeah that Sanderson guy that I suddenly won’t shut up about! I picked the Final Empire up purely because I liked the art on the cover. 

But cover judging decision I have ever made.

Mortal Song by Megan Crewe

              Okay I might be stretching the prompt a little bit because although this book does have a fantastic cover I really just wanted to talk about it because the premise is fabulous. It’s about a princess of the Japanese fairy people 

(I don’t know the real name okay)

Classic things happen, evil ghost attack kingdom, King and Queen send her away etc. but the catch is that they send her away to find the real princess. She’s actually a human changeling and the true princess is somewhere in modern day Tokyo. Basically the idea is awesome and I need to read it now.

Caraval by Stephanie Garber

              I feel like I’ve mentioned this one a lot recently but that’s because the hype train just keeps growing and my library still won’t get it! Why? The gist of it is a creepy carnival and a missing sister and some sort of Moriarty like game must be won to get her back. See why the hype train has reached gargantuan size yet?

Thanks again to the ladies at the Broke and Bookish for starting Top Ten Tuesdays. Not to mention opening it up to all the rest of us. If you want to check them out here’s the link.
