Calamity by Brandon Sanderson: Spoilers obviously, this is the third book in a series.

Brandon Sanderson

Welp Prof is evil now. Nobody saw that coming. Yeah, no everybody saw that coming. But Megan and David are still a thing so that’s cool! And of course, we now have a completely new (and completely crazy) city to run around in. This one is mad entirely of salt for some reason. So I guess their biggest fear is a light rain.

              On the positive side, David knows how to force an epic back to themselves and he’s going to try his best to do so to Prof. Even if it means getting the last of the Reckoners killed. Because ultimately if they can’t convince other epics to join in their struggle to free the world then they’re already lost anyway.


David: is still a major dork! And was called out a little bit in this one. He’s quite famous for his terrible, terrible metaphors but Megan points out that they are in fact similes. Which I probably would have noticed if I hadn’t been so very bad at my English classes. Course after the ending of the second book David isn’t quite as harmless as before. During the climax, Regalia (the enemy epic from the last book) tried to make David into an Epic. David resisted but who knows how long that would last in this one.

Megan: She is twice as hilarious as David’s girlfriend. Mostly because she’s twice as cool as him and just as funny. Not to mention she’s insanely powerful which is downright scary at times. I’m actually glad that she learned how to control her Epic rage in the last book. Well her control isn’t perfect but it made for some great character development.

Abraham: probably the only adult I trust in this book to be honest.

Cody: Should not be trusted but makes up for it in comedic relief.

Mizzy: Admittedly didn’t have that much to do this time around but that doesn’t make her any less cool and ultimately sweet. 

Tia: is there for maybe 2% of the book and I disagreed with her face at times.

Prof: was busy being the antagonist this time around. Well more of an antagonist than the last book.


Given how it was a finale it could have been awful: I can safely say that it wasn’t awful. There were some interesting plot twists (as usual with Brandon Sanderson books) and nice character moments (also a given in Brandon Sanderson books). Basically, it didn’t offend my soul or anything to drastic.

I thought that the romance was kind of cute: that doesn’t happen a lot guys so let me like it.

The ending, ending (not the climax) was really sweet: a bunch of spoilers going on here so shoo! 

You guys all know that Megan can reach into other realities and occasionally pull things out. This time around she figures out how to slip in and out of other realities for a short period. One such reality has a bunch of Epics who are actually good guys. While in that reality she and David run into David’s father who has the powers of Steelheart. They have a super adorable reunion with each of them having lost the other and blaming themselves. I can safely say that I got a tiny bit misty eyed. 


Well, it was a finale so . . . it was a tiny bit disappointing: I’m going to stay away from to many spoilers so here is the supper vague summery of things I didn’t like. Calamity turned out to be a bit dull and completely unexplained. Prof took for-freaking-ever to get over himself. It felt just a bit too easy.

Ultimately I’m still fond of the Reckoner’s series. Even a subpar finale can’t completely put me off of it. 
