Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books on my Spring TBR pile

Top Ten Books on my Spring TBR pile

The Amulet of Samarkand by Jonathan Stroud

              Because I am suffering from Lockwood and Co. withdrawal. And hey it seems kind of interesting. There’s apparently a sassy Djinni (I can’t be the only one who ‘pronounces’ that different from Genie) who gets his own footnotes. Not to mention it’s in London! Apparently, Stroud has a type.

Rebel by Amy Tintera

              I’ll admit I’m not completely sold on the super-hot teenage zombies but you got to admit it’s an interesting conversation starter. What can I say really Tintera seems like a competent writer who made me care about a person who doesn’t really have feelings which is impressive. Heck she even crafted a romance that didn’t make me want to gag. 

So, yeah, I’m looking forward to the second Reboot novel.

Camelot Burning by Katheryn Rose

              Steampunk Camelot ‘nuff said. I am a little wary about this one though because going off the blurb it seems like insta-love might be an issue. Pro tip if you have to mention that the co-protagonist is hot in the blurb you have already lost me. Still surely the steampunk mechanical Excalibur can save it.

The Boy Who Knew Everything by Victoria Forester

              I totally adored The Girl Who Could Fly when I read it last year (in fact I own it, the cover is very pretty) and frankly I didn’t even know there was going to be second one! It doesn’t even matter what the book is about because Piper is back! Though apparently, Conrad is the narrator? Maybe? I don’t know guys.

Gates of Thread and Stone Lori M. Lee

              In all honesty, I’ve looked at this book before but I ended up putting it back because of two potential problems. The first is that the blurb all but admits to a special snowflake trope going on with Kai, the protagonist, being able to do magic when no one else can. The second is that the co-protagonist (and suspected love interest) is described as having a ‘scandalous reputation’. Now I’m not sure what that means for the actual book but all I can think of is blurbs who talk about their love interests with words like ‘insanely hot but dangerous’ you guys know what I mean. Still it does promise some sibling love and an interesting city so I figured I’d give it a try.

Winter by Marissa Meyer

              I’m going to do it this time around. I swear I’m going to finish this silly series.

Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

              Full disclosure when I picked the book up at the library I thought it was some sort of fairytale retelling. Can you blame me there’s a crown on the front? But apparently, it’s more like a dystopian with royal superheroes?  Okay. Well, at the very least it sounds interesting.

The next two Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy

              Don’t get me wrong I love Skulduggery Pleasant but they’re getting a little hard to review. Landy seems to have a formula worked out and he’s beating it into the ground. World ending thing happens, Skulduggery and Valkyrie show up to crack jokes, bad guy gets murdered in a surprisingly gruesome way (seriously these books are usually in the middle grade section what gives) Skulduggery and Valkyrie celebrate their staying-alive status. Don’t get me wrong they’re still hilarious books and perfectly enjoyable but when they’re all pretty much the same it’s makes it hard to review.

A Gathering of Shadows by V. E. Schwab

              I found this one at one my libraries it’s a miracle!! (it was in the Science Fiction section though what’s up with that?) I completely excited but also a tiny bit nervous. The first one was so good that I;m afraid the second will kill everyone I love so it can live up to the first one. I can’t decide if that would be better or worse than A Gathering of Shadows falling flat.

Possibly A Conjuring of Light (if I can find it)

This one is not at the library. Which worries me even more because cliffhangers happen and I’m scared. 

I will just have to come up with some super clever scheme to get my hands on it. Hopefully without having to shell out twenty-five plus dollars that Barnes and Noble is demanding. 

Thanks for putting up with my confused ramblings. And thanks again to the ladies at the Broke and the Bookish for starting Top Ten Tuesdays you can check them out here if you're interested. 
