Demon Road by Derek Landy: Worth it!!

Demon Road 
Derek Landy

                       I have waited for months for this book and I was certainly not disappointed. 

At least when it FINALLY got here. But complaints about the mail system can wait because this was awesome. 

        I mean a little disturbing at times but in a good way. Yeah that definitely doesn’t sound weird. Anyway I’m still thrilled because it was terrifying and hilarious (like Derek Landy always is) and the characters were . . . well kind of the same as the ones in Skulduggery Pleasant. Like . . .
  Amber: Slightly less necromancy-ish but more homicidal Valkyrie. Also she’s a demon! Sort of. 

I mean her parents are demons so she didn’t really have a choice about going all red and horned. I admit she was a bit of a whiner in the beginning, but then again if my parents were trying to kill and eat me (long story) I would tend towards hysterics as well.

               Milo: less talkative Skulduggery. 

But with a giant killer car that literally ate people. I’ll admit I didn’t quite see that one coming. He and Amber weren’t really friends until Glen showed up and I guess they sort of bonded over an overly talkative mutual enemy. I did like Milo though, probably because he kept showing up to save the day in a spectacular guns blazing way.
What he was reading a westerner when I met him Firefly counts as a westerner right?

               Glen: dying Fletcher. You know always dying. Call this dude Rory Williams because every time I turned around he was dead/dying/running for his life,

 seriously Glen stop DYING for Pete’s sake. But I still liked him even if he was sort of purely for comic relief. But he was always wandering around and nattering in the background while Milo and Amber wonder what they did to deserve such torment.

 What I liked.
So much creepiness: there were vampires and demons and I think this one dude was a gargoyle. Then there was a serial killer that they locked in the boot.

 A super creepy serial killer in a dollhouse. So he was an itty bitty baby serial killer but he was still totally terrifying.

Amber had some great moments: basically whenever she ‘gets her horns on’ she gets super bloodthirsty a bit of an arrogant twat. You know an arrogant twat who thought about how invincible she was 

or how much fun it would be to rip somebody’s face off.   Or bite people’s fingers off! Yeah that part made me gag a bit. That was not something I needed to read.

THE CAR! I will admit it I loved the car. And Milo’s backstory that I totally want to talk about but I won’t spoil.

The dialog: “I am really uncomfortable with there being a serial killer in the boot” 

I think I’m going to be laughing about that for the rest of the week. I loved Landy’s dialog from the first Skulduggery Pleasant book and it was top notch in this book.

Little complaints
Glen in the beginning: He was basically following Amber around because he had a major crush on her “super-hot” demon side. 

 leads me to the next complaint

Amber’s self image. I get it she’s overweight and not as pretty as other girls but seriously you can turn into a giant fanged demon who’s the real winner here lady? 

I don’t mind characters who don’t think that they’re all fabulous and stuff but when she was winning about while running away from people who were literally trying to eat her It got a bit old.

But other than that I adored every minute of Demon Road. And now I’ll probably have to go order the second book. It might get here before the third one comes out.  
