Dream Thieves by Maggie Steifvater: Why do I like this??

Dream Thieves 
Maggie Steifvater

Yes this is the second book, yes I am still completely hooked. Though is it just me or was this book mildly slower than the last one? Still it was brilliant. Be forewarned though this post is shamelessly spoiler-y. 

So with that out of the way can i just say . . . These books are so weird. I mean sleeping/dead kings, magical and semi-sentient forests, hit-men dating the protagonist’s psychic mother. I'm still trying to figure out why i'm okay with that last one actually . . . 
I know I'm aware of that. 

Things I liked.
Ronan: I am still in awe as to how Steifvater made me love this character. He is literally everything I hate in a character, mean, foul-mouthed, and completely destructive 

but I was ready to fight anybody who talked smack about him I swear.

He even fell into the ‘special snowflake’ trope and he could do no wrong. I mean in the first book it was revealed that Ronan can pull things out of his dreams. Freaking dreams. So of course a scary psycho comes along who is intent on dragging him off to be dissected and studied. Or something like that. And that’s about the part where I figuratively jumped up and shouted FIGHT ME!

Blue’s Family: can we just sit back and appreciate that Blue’s family, despite being wacky hippies and psychics, are the best thing ever. Especially Calla. Completely sassy and bluntly honest Calla is my favorite.

The description, as I have come to expect, was on point: I don’t know why but this style of normal, normal, normal, BAM! Agonizingly beautiful poetry is so freaking addictive but it is.

 Even normal old description is too gorgeous.

Ronan’s new nemesis: I call him that because I literally cannot spell his name. I think Steifvater cursed him with his name as some sort of sick revenge for the troubles I’m sure she suffered as a child. Still it was wonderful. And in case somebody didn’t listen I will give another spoiler warning.

We good?

 Basically Ronan meets another guy who can pull things out of his dreams. And it was terrifying. He was drunk on dreams, completely addicted to pulling things in and out regardless of the consequences. Even going so far as to summon an actual DRAGON!

 Purely for the fun of it. What the heck dude!

I laughed so many times: I won’t give any of them away because most of them are funny because they come out of nowhere. I’d hate to ruin such lovely humor. But still I laughed often and it was beautiful.

One thing that I am kind of on the fence about

So if Y’all read the first book you will remember that Blue will kill the guy she loves if she kisses him. Or at least something along those lines. Well she tells Noah, who as readers of the first will recall is actually kind of dead, and he decides to . . . make her feel better? By offering to kiss her? I mean the logic is that she can’t kill her true love because, well, he’s already all corpse-efied and ghostly. So they kiss. While reading this I thought it was adorable. But writing it down . . . ? I don’t know guys I’m a bit weirded out.

Singular dislike
Oh my gosh! Ronan you curse like every third word! 
Yeesh man there is such a thing as TOO much nastiness coming from your mouth. You exceeded it from the first page.

Still in conclusion. 

I should have gotten the third book I REGRET MY DECISION SO MUCH!!
